You are being spied on.
By your "own" devices
They collect your information
Your devices will track your location to suggest location-specific content, but they will also share that data with companies that will sell your information.
Browsing History
Your web browser keeps a record of your online history, not only to enhance your browsing experience but also to potentially share this data with companies engaged in selling user information.
Push Notifications
Push notifications are not encrypted by default, various governments have been secretly demanding smartphone push notification data from various vendors, allowing them to spy on users' app usage and activities.
Microphone and Camera
Even when you're not using your them, when your device is compromised, a bad actor could access your microphone and camera to spy on you and acquire personal information.
Don't believe us by the word
Check the facts yourself, here's some trustworthy resources
"But how can I protect myself then?"
Our products can make your digital life more private with our custom software.
Currently all of our products are being developed and are not available for purchase yet. We will be providing more information in the near future.